Conference Papers

May 3, 2016

Two papers were commissioned in advance of the conference to feed into the analysis at the event itself.

A paper on accountability and transparency by Prf Christine Bell and a paper by Tim Cunningham and Jim Fitzpatrick on the law and application of consultation practices in Northern Ireland.

Both of these papers are available to download below.

Downloadable Resources

Download The Practice of Participation and the new Dispensation in Northern Ireland

The Practice of Participation and the new Dispensation in Northern Ireland

A paper by Tim Cunningham and Jim Fitzpatrick which considers both the politics and the law of consultation in order to establish what lessons might be drawn at this stage of the political process some 16 years after the Agreement.

Download Human Rights and Public Administration in Northern Ireland: Accountability, Transparency and Responsiveness

Human Rights and Public Administration in Northern Ireland: Accountability, Transparency and Responsiveness

A short ‘think-piece’ by Professor Christine Bell on the accountability and transparency of Northern Ireland’s administrative culture with respect to human rights law, policy and practice.


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